bambo decor,bamboo fruit basket
volume depends please email us: irisxu1204@hotmail.com.
That design origin from the warm room where represents of burning the new being and ecology. It’s the random design from the designer putting the bamboo wires together to construct the warm room form.
It can be used for your existing garden ecology building or putting the specific grass and flower or being the home decor for matching with the green elements of the home or room design.
The philosophy meaning of that design: hidden the secret of the forest.
It’s another design for putting the home or office stuffs into the regular base with the environmental idea too. It can be used for outing the CD, DVD, fruit, dry food etc..
The design maintain the core to be simple and classic, the user can use it for performing whenever anything they want to use. And the unique feeling is that it’s made with bamboo and integrates with bamboo wires by hand-crafting.
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