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The design origin from watching the birds in the national wet land garden. The sway of the trees and comes with the birds to stay calmly. Which plays a home decor function and made with the bamboo to enhance the environmental and natural feeling.
The value-added function is that it’s also the candle stand.
Usually the bamboo stand made with metal to prevent from burning the stand, and the innovation is from the using the materials to be bamboo. Due to the paint with color and the bamboo need certain of the time to make it on fire, so, it’s still a safe option as compare with ordinary wood made materials. And the design allows putting only the candle with the meal cover too.
We use the candle for one of the reasons are the environmental and natural feeling (more is romance), for enhance such feeling; the bamboo made candle stand can contribute more enhancing.
Model number:CS 9004
Carton dimension: length 47.0×width 15.5×height 8.0
Total weight: 0.57kg
Product dimension: 36*10*45/40*8.5*3.5